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Mischa's hit song "Am I Not Difficult Enough" won three championship songs 03/30/2022
The MV recorded more than one million views on YouTube. I felt encouraged and held "NEVER TOO LATE, MY PATH Mi WAY" last night. I went to the third episode of Album Live to announce the good news to fans and share the most concerned about cat owners in daily life during the epidemic […]
<strong>天生歌姬</strong><strong>A-Lin</strong><strong>即將發行全新唱作專輯《</strong><strong>LINK》</strong><strong>最貼近</strong><strong>A-Lin靈魂的作品 4/8 </strong><strong>全面發行</strong> 
born singerA-LinA new album to be released soonLINK》closestA-Lin Soul Works 4/8 Full release  03/29/2022
Exploring 4.5 years of soul journey Enjoy the confident beauty of Fangling 38 No matter how the world changes Music is the best LINK for the second time as music director Ai Yiliang Zhou Xingzhe Zhang Zhenyue Ge Dawei Zhang Jianjunwei and other gold medal musicians joined forces to create album cover cover [… ]
<strong>陳柏宇〈有我</strong><strong> IG Mini Live</strong><strong>〉第二擊</strong> 
Chen Boyu "With Me" IG Mini Live〉Second hit  03/20/2022
Select related works with the theme of thanking the courier, share the anecdote of receiving the goods, 囡囡Abi joins the ranks of singing, and continue to meet the fans' requests. Openly reply to MC Zhang's talent badminton contract […]
<strong>陳柏宇〈有我</strong><strong> IG Mini Live〉</strong><strong>昨晚起逢三、六直播</strong> 
Chen Boyu "With Me" IG Mini Live>Live every Wednesday and Saturday from last night  03/19/2022
Cheering for everyone fighting the epidemic from the air. On the first night, I would like to thank the medical staff. I hope to provide entertainment with singing and laughter to relieve tension and reduce stress. I sing Leslie Cheung’s classic masterpiece. […]