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Paula 之美學 – 區子琳 Paula Au
Paula's Aesthetics
Moonrise Day Cultural and Creative Park – Cath Wong
Taiwan has an irreplaceable place in Cath's heart. In a small time, I practiced fluent Mandarin in the stand-up drama, and listened to the songs of Taiwanese musicians such as Lu Guangzhong, Chen Qizhen, Wei Ruxuan, Wu Qingfeng and so on. In 2017, I planned to be in the female...
Mic Check Mic Chat – 朱凱鎬 Michael C
喜愛音樂,熱愛結他和健身,歌手 Michael C 與大家分享他的故事
The Things I Wish I Knew Earlier – Phil Lam
Sharing with you all the things I've learned over the years - things that I wish I knew...
DoReMischa – Ye Qiaolin Mischa Ip
My podcast "DoReMischa" hits shelves every Tuesday, listen to some of the music I've shared! Update every episode ❤️