今天(10日),備受矚目的日本金唱片大獎終於揭曉了。作為華語樂壇的一股新勢力,歌手蘇芮琪憑借其優秀的音樂才華和出色的表現,獲得了第37屆日本金唱片大獎的「年度國際新人獎(New International Artist Of The Year)」和「三大最佳國際新人獎(Best 3 New International Artist)」兩個獎項,成為首位在該大獎中以SOLO形式獲得「年度國際新人獎」的華人歌手。這個獎項是對蘇芮琪音樂才能和專業精神的肯定,也是華語音樂在國際舞臺上取得的又一突破。
在日本樂迷們的心中,華語音樂一直是一片不甚了解的星辰大海。而蘇芮琪在2022年發行的首張個人EP「《主場遊戲》(Domain)」和單曲「《燎》(The Phoenix)」日文版,則是憑借著獨特的音樂風格,高水準的製作以及蘇芮琪充滿能量的精彩演繹,贏得了無數聽眾的喜愛。據了解,「《燎》(The Phoenix)」日文版發行首日便登上Oricon公信榜第12位,Tower Records 單日銷量總榜第6位。「《主場遊戲》(Domain)」的音源和實體唱片在發行前便登上Tower Records KPOP/WORLD單日預約榜第4位,發售後更是排在Oricon公信榜、billboard JAPAN等榜單前列,在Line Music、Spotify等多海外平臺強勢上榜。
獲得日本金唱片大獎是一項非常具有挑戰性的成就,需要歌手在日本市場上擁有廣泛的粉絲基礎和出色的銷售成績。該獎項往屆得主有Alan Walker、Lady Gaga、Ariana Grande等樂壇前輩。蘇芮琪在接受采訪時表示,感謝日本唱片協會的認可和鼓勵,感謝廣大粉絲的喜愛和支持。這個獎項對於自己來說意義非凡,未來將會繼續努力創作更好的音樂,為廣大聽眾帶來更多精彩的演出和作品。
此前,蘇芮琪還曾成為日本YouTube頻道「THE FIRST TAKE」首位solo出演的華人歌手,並於去年11月登上MetaMoon音樂節,在紐約巴克萊中心開啟自己的美國首秀。蘇芮琪的國際舞臺愈發擴大,在向世界各地的樂迷展現其獨特魅力的同時,持續傳遞華語潮流音樂及華人青年文化的能量與活力。
Sury Su Becomes The First Chinese Solo Act To Win New International Artist Of The Year At The Japan Gold Disc Award
March 10, 2023 — The 37th Japan Gold Disc Awards revealed its winners today. Sury Su, as a new force in the Chinese music scene, became the first Chinese solo act to win “New International Artist of the Year” and “Best 3 New International Artist” in the history of the awards. These awards recognize Sury’s musical excellence and growing international success. It is also a breakthrough moment of CPOP on a global level.
In 2022, Sury released two EPs in Japan, “The Phoenix” and “Domain”, with which she has captured the hearts of countless fans. The Japanese special edition EP “The Phoenix” was released in April 2022, and debuted at No. 12 on Oricon daily chart and No. 6 on the Tower Records Daily Sales. The second EP “Domain” earned No. 4 on the Tower Records in Daily Pre-order Sales (K-POP/WORLD). During the time of its release, it hit multiple music charts including Oricon, Billboard JAPAN, Line Music and Spotify.
Winning the Japan Gold Disc Awards is a remarkable achievement as it acknowledges artists’ commercial performance and popularity in the Japanese market. Previous recipients of this award include Alan Walker, Lady Gaga, and Ariana Grande. Sury expressed her gratitude in an interview, “Thank you the Recording Association of Japan for the recognition, and thank you my fans for all your love and support. It is a great honor for me to attain these awards. I will continue to work harder to make better music and performances.”
This is one of many milestones in Sury’s foray into the global market. Prior to this, Sury became the first Chinese solo act to perform on the popular YouTube channel “THE FIRST TAKE”. Last November, she held her debut American performance at MetaMoon Music Festival in New York. While showcasing her spectacular talent to music fans all over the world, Sury also put out the positive energy and vitality of CPOP, exporting the music and culture to overseas audience.
Sury’s winning at the Japan Gold Disc Awards is more than a recognition for her own self, it also shows that CPOP is gradually expanding in the global music market with its unique charm and infinite possibilities. Sury will continue to transcend cultural barriers with her music, and she plans to release her new EP later this year.
About Japan Gold Disc AwardsThe Japan Gold Disc Awards is a prestigious music award presented by the Recording Association of Japan (RIAJ), which honors artists and music works that have made profound contributions to the Japanese record industry every year. Launched in 1987, the Japan Gold Disc Awards is one of the most important music awards in Japan and also one of the most influential awards in the Asian music scene. The winners of each award are determined according to their performance in physical sales, audio and video in the past year.